The Doctor And The Aristocrat
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The Doctor And The Aristocrat
The Doctor And The Aristocrat
A doctor was called in to see a rather testy aristocrat.
"Well, sir, what's the matter ?" he asked cheerily.
"That, sir," growled the patient, "is for you to find out."
"I see," said the doctor thoughtfully, "Well, if you excuse me for an hour or so, I'll go along a fetch a friend of mine - a veterinarian. He is the only chap I know who can make a diagnosis without asking questions."
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A doctor was called in to see a rather testy aristocrat.
"Well, sir, what's the matter ?" he asked cheerily.
"That, sir," growled the patient, "is for you to find out."
"I see," said the doctor thoughtfully, "Well, if you excuse me for an hour or so, I'll go along a fetch a friend of mine - a veterinarian. He is the only chap I know who can make a diagnosis without asking questions."
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jukido- Posts : 134
Join date : 2011-07-30
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